Introduction to Class 12 CBSE Sample Papers

As students prepare for their final examinations, obtaining the right resources is essential for success. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) provides sample papers that serve as valuable tools for students in Class 12. These papers not only familiarize students with the exam pattern but also help them assess their understanding of the subjects covered during the academic year.

Importance of Sample Question Papers

Sample question papers offer numerous advantages. They help in understanding the marking scheme, question types, and time management during exams. By practicing with these papers, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus their studies effectively. Furthermore, consistent practice with sample papers builds confidence and reduces exam anxiety.

Class 12 CBSE Sample Papers Table

SubjectSample Question PaperMarking Scheme
AccountancyDownload HereDownload Here
BiologyDownload HereDownload Here
BiotechnologyDownload HereDownload Here
Business StudiesDownload HereDownload Here
ChemistryDownload HereDownload Here
Computer ScienceDownload HereDownload Here
EconomicsDownload HereDownload Here
Engg. GraphicDownload HereDownload Here
English CoreDownload HereDownload Here
English ElectiveDownload HereDownload Here
EntrepreneurshipDownload HereDownload Here
GeographyDownload HereDownload Here
Hindi ElectiveDownload HereDownload Here
Hindi CoreDownload HereDownload Here
HistoryDownload HereDownload Here
Home ScienceDownload HereDownload Here
Informatics PracticesDownload HereDownload Here
Legal StudiesDownload HereDownload Here
Applied Arts (Commercial Art)Download HereDownload Here
Applied MathematicsDownload HereDownload Here
Applied Mathematics (For Visually Impaired)Download HereDownload Here
MathematicsDownload HereDownload Here
Mathematics (For Visually Impaired)Download HereDownload Here
Physical EducationDownload HereDownload Here
PhysicsDownload HereDownload Here
Political ScienceDownload HereDownload Here
PsychologyDownload HereDownload Here
SociologyDownload HereDownload Here
Sanskrit CoreDownload HereDownload Here
Sanskrit ElectiveDownload HereDownload Here

To access additional subjects and their corresponding sample question papers, you can visit the official CBSE academic website. Regular practice with these resources will undoubtedly contribute to better exam preparation and improved academic performance.