Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Class 6 Hindi NCERT solutions for the book ‘मल्हार.’ This page offers a detailed list of chapters along with direct links to their respective solutions. Students and educators can benefit greatly from these resources, ensuring a better understanding of the subject matter.
Chapter List with Solutions
Here is the complete list of chapters from the Class 6 Hindi NCERT textbook along with links to their solutions:
- 1. मातृभूमि (कविता) – सोहनलाल द्विवेदी
- 2. गोल (संस्मरण) – मेजर ध्यानचंद
- 3. पहली बँदू (कविता) – गोपालकृष्ण कौल
- 4. हार की जीत (कहानी) – सदुर्शन
- 5. रहीम के दोहे (दोहे) – अब्दुर्रहीम खानखाना
- 6. मेरी माँ (आत्मकथा) – रामप्रसाद ‘बिस्मिल’
- 7. जलाते चलो (कविता) – द्वारिका प्रसाद ‘माहेश्वरी’
- 8. सत्रिया और बिहू नृत्य (निबंध) – जया मेहता
- 9. मैया मैं नहिं माखन खायो (पद) – सूरदास
- 10. परीक्षा (कहानी) – प्रेमचंद
- 11. चेतक की वीरता (कविता) – श्यामनारायण पांडेय
- 12. हिंद महासागर में छोटा-सा हिंदुस्तान (यात्रा वृतांत) – रामधारी सिह ‘दिनकर’
- 13. पेड़ की बात (निबंध) – जगदीश चंद्र बसु
Download Free PDF
For those seeking to download the complete PDF of the Class 6 Hindi NCERT book ‘मल्हार’, you can download the pdf taken from NCERT Official website. This provides an excellent opportunity to access all chapters and enhance your Hindi learning experience.